Ugly Doesn't Happen Overnight image

Ugly Doesn't Happen Overnight Ugly, a short film by Nikita Diakur is finally complete and the trailer can be seen at Vimeo.

It took longer than expected to get Ugly: Nikita Diakur and his team needed four years to create a fitting environment for Ugly the cat and Chief Redbear. The characters were animated using dynamics simulations, which produced a very unconventional result that's visually unique, randomly humorous and occasionally disturbing. You can say that is has its very own charm ...!

Supporters of the project's Kickstarter campaign can already view the film in a private stream and the general public can experience its premier on April 22 at the Mainzer Kaptiol Kino in Mainz, Germany. You can see the trailer now at Vimeo. If you want to join the Ugly team at the film's premier in Mainz, simply send them a message via Facebook and add yourself to the guest list!

For everyone who can't make it to the film's premier on April 22, Nikita will give you your own login to view the stream! Use the comments section on his Facebook page to ask for a login to dive into the world of Ugly.

Maxon hopes you enjoy the film and congratulates Nikita on the completion of this epic and quite unusual project!