MoGraph Basics

On the move!
With the Cinema 4D MoGraph toolset, motion graphics artists can sink their teeth into a palette of powerful tools that make it easy to create everything from flying logos to abstract effects. Clone numerous objects and create extruded text with just a few simple clicks. Add Effectors to the mix and put everything in motion, and much more - often without creating a single keyframe! All this is perfectly integrated into Cinema 4D and offers a fast and easy workflow. All functions are completely interactive and non-destructive.

At the heart of MoGraph is a powerful yet simple Cloner tool. You can easily create live copies of any object - arranged along a line, circle, grid, object or spline.
Object clones can be placed along points, edges, polygon centers or randomly across the surface of an object. Adjust keyframe parameters to modify clone count, spacing and more. Use other objects in MoGraph to easily create extruded text, fracture and extrude spline-based logos, displace objects in real-time and more. Each object performs its own invaluable function for motion graphics artists, and each can be fully controlled by MoGraph Effectors. Effectors can be applied to almost any MoGraph Generator to effortlessly bring your MoGraph creations to life. Adjust clones mathematically with the Formula Effector or apply the frequency spectrum of an audio file using the Sound Effector. 17 different Effectors can be used in any combination to offer countless animation possibilities.

Shader Effector
The Shader Effector primarily uses a texture's grayscale values to transform clones. To do this the texture needs to be projected on to the clones.

Sound Effector
The Sound Effector transforms audio into animation by mapping the amplitude at specific frequencies to clones.

Spline Effector
The Spline Effector takes the clones and arranges them on a spline. The first clone at the start of the spline and the last clone at the end of the spline.

Delay Effector
The Delay Effector ensures that the effects of other Effectors with regard to position, scale and rotation do not begin abruptly but with a delay.